Business Bookkeepping & IT Solutions


ATO approach to dealing with super guarantee non-compliance

The ATO recognises the importance of the Superannuation Guarantee (SG) to the community and its vital role in providing for people’s retirement. Deputy Commissioner James O’Halloran said that while the vast majority of the $85.7 billion paid in superannuation each year is paid voluntarily by employers, there are reports of non-compliance from employees. “In 2015-16 …

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ATO warns about work-related expense claims

The ATO is warning taxpayers to avoid incorrect claims for work-related expenses at tax time this year. ATO Assistant Commissioner Kath Anderson said the ATO is using real-time data to compare taxpayers with others in similar occupations and income brackets, to identify higher-than-expected claims related to expenses including vehicle, travel, internet and mobile phone, and …

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Commissioner flags work-related expenses as a problem area

In a wide-ranging address to the National Press Club in Canberra, Chris Jordan stated that the next big challenges for the ATO are influencing community attitudes about paying tax and minimising “tax gaps”. No tax system has, or ever will have, zero gaps but the challenge is to minimise them, he said. For large corporates, …

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Former director liable for company’s unpaid tax liabilities

The ATO has successfully sued a former company director to recover the company’s unpaid PAYG withholding liabilities of more than $108,000: DCT v Smith [2017] NSWDC 102, NSW District Court, Montgomery DCJ, 12 May 2017. The defendant had been a non-executive director of CCIA Employees Pty Ltd, which was a member of a group of …

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Property developer denied input tax credits

The AAT has dismissed a taxpayer company’s appeal and held that the taxpayer had not discharged the burden of proving that the Commissioner’s amended assessments denying it input tax credits (ITCs) totalling $817,207 for earthwork services in relation to a development project were excessive: GH1 Pty Ltd, in Liquidation and FCT [2017] AATA 1063, AAT, …

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Business Bookkeepping & IT Solutions