Business Bookkeepping & IT Solutions


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It’s important that all clients’ tax issues are finalised before they cancel their Australian business number (ABN), which ceases that business. This …

A disabled taxpayer has been denied a deduction for his wife’s travel costs where she accompanied him to conferences overseas: Re WTPG …

Joanne Black, a property developer, bought land in January 2000 for $300,000 and constructed a house on it. In January 2016, she …

This case study demonstrates how Hair Salon owners worked with their Accountant to create an effective low-cost marketing campaign which targeted lapsed …

The impact of late client payments on SMEs is worsening, with big businesses identified as the main culprits of late payments, research …

So, you’re starting a business. You have a vision, a business partner and you’re bright-eyed. You and your business partner have agreed …

Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business, yet sourcing adequate working capital can be a challenge for many, even businesses that …

The ATO has released Law Companion Guideline LCG 2016/9 to explain aspects of the new $1.6m pension transfer balance cap. Transfer balance …

The ATO has Law Companion Guideline LCG 2016/12 on how an individual’s “total superannuation balance” will be calculated from 30 June 2017. …

The last ten years has been a challenging time for Digital Press founder, Theo Pettaras. Having worked extremely hard to build a …

Single Touch Payroll is a government initiative to streamline how employers report their tax and superannuation information to us. Employers will be …

In the 2016–17 Budget, the government announced that it will reduce the corporate tax rate progressively from 30 per cent to 25 …

Selling a business at the right price and terms often takes a year or more. Owners who desire to sell their businesses …

Protecting our assets and our livelihood for a future generation is something all of us working in small business should make a …

We find businesses tend to forget to update their Australian business number (ABN) details in the Australian Business Register (ABR) when their …

Despite wide publicity on the issue, the ATO has reminded taxpayers that it is increasing its attention, scrutiny and education on work-related …

The AAT has dismissed a taxpayer’s appeal and affirmed the Commissioner’s decision to disallow claims for input tax credits concerning several property …

One click is all it takes to bring your business down and make you yet another unfortunate cyber victim. Can your business …

In what could be a precedent-setting legal decision, the Federal Circuit Court has found an accounting business to be liable for contraventions …

The ATO recognises the importance of the Superannuation Guarantee (SG) to the community and its vital role in providing for people’s retirement. …

Cybercriminals use a variety of ways to trick you into clicking on links or opening attachments that install malware or ransomware on …

Many business owners have a significant proportion of their wealth tied up in their business. For a large number, the business is …

The ATO is warning taxpayers to avoid incorrect claims for work-related expenses at tax time this year. ATO Assistant Commissioner Kath Anderson …

In a wide-ranging address to the National Press Club in Canberra, Chris Jordan stated that the next big challenges for the ATO …

The ATO has successfully sued a former company director to recover the company’s unpaid PAYG withholding liabilities of more than $108,000: DCT …

The AAT has dismissed a taxpayer company’s appeal and held that the taxpayer had not discharged the burden of proving that the …

Cloud-based software has proven to provide more efficiency for accountants. With accounting platforms such as Simple Fund 360, Class Super, MYOB and …

To avoid unwanted attention from the ATO and keep your clients above board, you’ll need to be totally across the new Single …

The Australian Tax Office has hit back at criticism of the Single Touch Payroll arrangements from small business groups and industry superannuation …

Legislation has passed Federal Parliament greatly increasing penalties for employers who underpay employees. The Fair Work Amendment (Protecting Vulnerable Workers) Bill 2017 …

More than 60 per cent of small businesses in Australia fail during the first three years of establishment. Research has found that …

As a business owner, managing your team may be the most impactful and challenging task you face. Particularly as businesses grow, owners …

Bookkeepers have been encouraged to reach out and assist businesses in complying with basic record keeping and pay-slip laws as the Fair …

The government has introduced legislation that will allow the Tax Office to increase penalties on employers who fail to comply with their …

As a busy professional, you likely have more than enough tasks to keep track of and complete. Besides that, you also have …

Business Bookkeepping & IT Solutions